H. Shayegan,۱ M. A.
This paper is an applied research as much as its goals are concerned and a descriptive survey-correlation method in its data collection. The 388 statistic population of the paper was selected from among all the activists in industry and production by means of co-kral sampling formula. About 388 out of 450 questionnaires distributed among the statistic population were filled out and handed in. Hypothesis testing was performed by means of SPSS. First we used Colmograph Smearnoph Test to analyze the type of data distribution then Spearman Correlation Test to test the hypotheses.
The results of the hypothesis testing showed that there are relations between the degree of accessibility of the industry activists to the media and possibility of improvement in their activities, the type of media used by the activists and possibility of improvement in their institute’s activities, using various media and possibility of improvement in their activities, awareness of the activists of the instructions and possibility of improvement in their activities, the type of media being used by industry activists and degree of their awareness of such instructions, using various media and the degree of activists’ awareness of such instructions, presence of industry activists in the relevant councils and the degree of their awareness of the instructions. All the hypotheses of the paper are thus verified.
Information and communication technology as one of the modern technologies has brought about remarkable changes in the world of business among which is the development and inclination of business towards the electronic commerce (Alamdar Meybodi et al, 2010). This research has been conducted with the purpose of analyzing the media’s position in giving the producers instructions about production form industry and production activists’ point of view. Nowadays media influence our lives in personal as well as social levels. Each of the financial, social, cultural, political, and religious organizations takes advantage of the media in one way or another. Mass media such as television or satellite have captured a position in the society and have increasingly gained fame in national as well as international levels from the very position. Media influence people’s lifestyle and their public interest (Khoshnevis, 2009).
Media play a crucial role in developing knowledge as well as transferring information to viewers and listeners. Mass media, especially television, can play effective role in improving public information of the people as well as developing new concepts (Asadi & Rezaee Soufi, 2014). On the other hand, producing any goods in any level with any quality will not succeed these days if these goods are not introduced to people through the media. Therefore, we will analyze the available literature related to this issue in this paper.
Media is defined as the medium of communication. Lexically speaking, mass media are the tools through which we can gain access to people not individually but collectively in the same manner (Azimi et al, 2012)
Nowadays the structure of the conventional media has been broken with the help of new technology, development of information transfer tools as well as tools of exchange of ideas through the press, radio or television, and the world of communication has entered a new stage of its life.
Media such as radio, television, press, cinema, etc. are the huge tools which have been the symbol of human technology improvement and have caused a great jump ahead in human society. These issues have taken a grave responsibility in the creation of new habits, constitution of new world cultures, a change in human behavior and their lifestyles, hence globalization and contiguity of all nations as some people have named the present age as the age of communications and consider the degree of a society’s link with the modern remarkable changes and their stimulations as being in the context of communication.
Media are thus divided into two groups according to their type of communication:
Personal media
Mass media
On the other hand, media are conceptually divided into two groups:
Logical media; which include advertisement and public relations, journalism, written language, spoken language, …
Physical media; which include television, radio, newspaper, …
Personal or individual media transfer the message from the sender to a limited number of receivers such as letter, telephone, fax, etc.
Mass media are different in different references. In journalism this word means public transfer of information, and media in general sense means recognition of a set of tools and methods to communicate with a mass of audience (Habibi, 2013)
Journals are divided into four groups:
Print media to be printed on the paper.
Electronic journals; the only difference of these media with the print media is in the type of presentation, that is, if the contents of the print journal are presented identically from the radio, that journal becomes an electronic one. The primary steps of electronic journals started with analogue, and the contents changed from manual writing to electronic typing. It seems that the press law includes such journals.
Digital media; such media include zero and one in content such that the text is uploaded to the internet in the form of zero and one, then is exposed in different formats such as html and is read by the browser.
Cyber media; such media resemble the digital media in appearance but are not like the print media. For example, a newspaper is print media so long as it is written on a paper. If we change it to an analogue, we’ll have an electronic journal. If we change its content to zero and one, then it is a digital media. If we add things like the text or picture link or any other characteristics from the print copies, the media will change to a cyber type. It makes no difference in content whether a newspaper is on the internet or is in the print format. The press law is applied to both. The only point is that when a newspaper changes into an electronic journal, it is space-neutral (Habibi, 2013).
Some of the most important functions of the media can be stated as such that roles and functions are half of the business that is under the responsibility of the media. Hence, they are expected to act for its realization.
۱٫Socialization: in the past the process of socialization occurred through family, school, same-age groups, and the environment. Nowadays the mass media is a factor for socialization too such that they gradually and continuously transfer the cultural norms and values to the community members, so they coordinated the individual with the society.
۲٫Amusement: mass media are cheap and accessible tools that can best amuse the people. All the people need a few minutes/hours a day to forget their life and work problems and temporarily get away from them to refresh themselves.
۳٫Supervision: this function indicates the information role of the mass media. Accordingly, humans can supervise the environment more easily. Mass media collect information from all over the world. The information that is inaccessible to us.
۴٫Interpretation: in this stage the media tell us about the important meanings of the news content rather than merely transferring it.
۵٫Connection: mass media can connect the people who have never seen each other before and are far away from each other but share some interests. On the other hand, these media play an influential role in the formulation of the national and international identities such as religious, ethnic, and regional ones and have indisputable function in the formulation of the beliefs and thoughts of the society especially in regards with the structure of dominant political power (Habibi, 2013).
Media advertisement; media are channels through which messages are conveyed to the audience. In this conveyance, content is influenced by means through which the conveyor should convey his/her message. In conveying a message qualitative aspects should be noted; in fact, this is an important factor in media’s validity. Although people are emotionally dependent on specific media, this dependence does not imply any specific content.
A lot of words have been said regarding the effectiveness of the advertisement media; however, the concept of ‘interaction’ and ‘capacity’ are the most important among them. These two concepts have achieved a higher position as modern communication technologies developed their influence such that they have called the simple communication models (the process of direct and unilateral information from source to the audience) to challenge, and reception of feedback as well as its analyzability have drawn attention.
Media advertisement is divided into different groups:
Written media; it includes newspapers, magazines, books, brochures, hand-to-hand street advertisement, etc.
Audio media; it includes radio and ads speakers (in streets, shopping centers, fairs)
Audio-visual and electronic media; these media are classified into telephone and television according to their type in film format and into satellite and internet as modern communication means. These media can totally be classified into two groups including trans-active media such as television and inter-active media such as telephone (Farahani & Keshavarz, 2003)
Non-media advertisement: this is a type of advertisement whose expense is not paid to the media. The expense of non-media advertisement includes the cases such as rewards, discount packages, and bonuses based on the local law. This has a separate budget from the media advertisement. Likewise, company’s performance and its sales amount are constantly compared with other companies’ in order to assure such media’s influence and share increase from the market (Foruzfar, 2007, Hakimara, 2004)
Media use different methods for advertisement. These methods boil down to:
Conditional method; in this type of commercial advertisement the advertisers try to supply the compulsive customers with their products with the purpose of increasing the purchase power of the consumers making convenience of the unawareness of their audience relying on demagogue techniques (such as making up legendary and advisable stories). In this arena a symbol is usually used to introduce the goods as it also suggests the best produced goods of the world as well as shows the advertisers’ culture as the most ideal one.
Sudden plan method; in this type of commercial advertisement the advertisers try to attract the audience’s attention to the commercials by cutting the series to tell the most important news or to advertise a product according to the message type (such as showing series) and the audience’s favorite social background (popularity of the series in a particular time). They can also do this by installing logos of the companies or photos of the winners of the rewards on the shop walls arcade entrances in the crowded streets and squares so that any passer-by gets attracted to buy the goods by a casual look at those neon signs and colorful billboards.
Discursive method; in this commercial advertisement method the advertisers base their job on the logic. Hence, this method owes its popularity to logic. Such commercials bring about social groups development and national culture improvement.
Comparative method; in this type of commercial advertisement the advertisers try to compare their company’s goods and services with other companies’ in order to establish their brand in the consumers’ minds, so scientific documentations are normally used to compare logos and brands.
Association method; in this type of commercial advertisement the advertisers associate signs, places, heroes, animals with their goods and services to precipitate consumers’ decision-making to buy the goods.
Charms shortage method; in this type of commercial advertisement the advertisers capture the consumers’ whole minds by showing inaccessibility of the rarely-found goods which associates in the minds of the consumers that their goods are difficult to find due to their high quality, and that they will regret if they delay to order such goods.
Serial methods; in this type of commercial advertisement the advertisers try to interest the audience in the quality and quantity of the goods and services by arranging the commercials during various stages (Naghibossadat, 2002, Shahmohammadi, 2006, Shahmohammadi & Ahmadi Oskuyee, 2011, Guchani et al, 2013). The strategy types relevant to media advertisement in the media advertisement process, persuasive techniques in commercial advertisement that encourage the audience to buy and consume special products are divided into the following groups as the persuasive strategies concern:
۱٫Impact strategy (exciting attraction); by means of this strategy in TV ads an emotional exciting response is created in the consumers’ minds. We can point out a picture in which some people enjoying a pepsi drink as an example.
۲٫Logo strategy (advisable attraction); by means of this strategy the commercials present the consumers with evidence and statistics that they need to know about the goods. For example, how much does a glass of juice provide the required substances of your body?
۳٫Ethics & ethnic customs strategy (person or validity attraction); by means of this strategy the commercials try to persuade the consumers that their company is more dependable, honest, valid. Thus, the consumer must make their purchase (Sadafi & Tabrizi, 2013).
One of the major questions of the media theory is ‘What effects do media have?’ The answer to this question is that the effect fluctuates from low to high. Media’s power has caused worries in human society since the emergence of mass communication means. Birth of any new communication means has always been associated with fear and worry of its destructive effect on the audience as much that media have been introduced as a troublesome factor in human society in various cases. Most of the times it is hard to distinguish between the topic of media’s effect as well as the reaction of the audience and the social facts (Williams, 2007).
One of the major topics that has attracted the attention of sociologists is how to maintain the social order and how is it destroyed. This question interests the mass communication experts. In this regard two sets of theories have been presented. First the theories that evaluates the role of media effects on the integration of the society as positive, which is known as the ‘optimists’ theory’. Second the theories that evaluates the role of media effects on the integration of the society as negative, which is known as the ‘pessimists’ theory’.
Optimists’ theories; this set of theories evaluates the relationship between mass media and social integration as positive. According to the characteristics of they believe that the media convey values, ideas, information, mentality, and some common pictures about the universe and the environment in order for creating solidarity among the sporadic people inside the wide-spread audience or the immigrants that have recently settled in the civic areas. Through such a way they contribute to the social unity.
Pessimists’ theories; through this set of theories mass media play an important part in the creation of social problems originating from fast urbanization, social dynamicity, and debilitation of traditional societies. Media face issues such as social displacement, misbehavior development, crimes, and social chaos. Mass media behave individually and debilitate traditional values at the same time. Subsequently, they destroy social control and solidarity (Mehrdad, 2001).
Many efforts have been made to systematize basic functions of the media all of which started from Harold Lawsol’s work. He summarized the basic communication functions as such: supervising the environment, relating different social sectors to each other in response to the environment, and transmitting culture.
Mack Coil has added another function to the set of functions named ‘social mobilization’ in his writings. In his view, media are expected to advance the national interests as well as to pioneer some of key values and behavior patterns in the society. In third world systems as well as some of the closed systems in Europe such function was consigned to the media. According to the above-mentioned facts the main functions of the mass media in the society are as follows: They should be informative such that the media provide the necessary information about the events and conditions of the society and of the world.
They should be communicative in order to be able to justify and interpret the events and information. They should be continuative so as to express the dominant culture and introduce cultural subsets with reference to the new cultural developments. They should be amusing. They should be mobilizing because the media are factors for social militancy in politics, war, financial development, business, and sometimes religion (Mehrdad, 2007).
The concept of consciousness has been a hybrid concept. In other words, it is polymeric. The term ‘consciousness’ indicates a few different concepts and highlights a few different phenomena. In fact, consciousness is what changes the mind into an intractable issue (Ghiasvand, 2011). Consciousness is of different types among which the phenomenal type is an aspect of mind that includes how issues work for a subject. This type is also empirical such that a state will not be a conscious unless it is at the same time empirical (Block, 1995)
If we decide to show the phenomenal consciousness in a more concrete sense, we can bring forth these examples: tasting a delicious soup, smelling a red apple, etc. In all such perceptual experiences we have a phenomenal consciousness. Second point is that in the wake of each of these experiences an issue somehow emerges for a subject. In effect, mental states created as a result of the above-mentioned experiences are intrinsically conscious, i. e., it cannot be unconscious. This is because these mental states are of personal type.
Accessibility consciousness: Block names the second type of consciousness to be accessibility consciousness. To introduce this type he says: ‘a representation or an imagination is conscious if only it is at our service for free use’ (Block, 1995).
In order to more clarify the concept some of the terms and their roles mentioned in the definition should be explained. First the position of the concept of representation should be clarified. We pointed that the content of an experience can be phenomenally conscious. What we add to it is that the mentioned content can also be conscious from accessibility view. In the first the content of an experience becomes conscious to us based on its emergence, while in the second it is due to the representational characteristics of its content that we can say that it is also conscious from accessibility aspect. Second the purpose of free use in direct advisable control should be elucidated, the act that requires clarification of the term ‘advisability’.
Self-consciousness; the third meaning of self-consciousness which Block pointed out, is the familiar concept of self-consciousness. In its definitions he writes: ‘the purpose of using this term is to own the concept of ‘self’ as well as the ability to use it while thinking about it’. According to this meaning of consciousness, a body will not be self-conscious unless it gains a consciousness of him/her. All in all, someone can be aware of something through four ways; gaining information about it, having beliefs about it, observing it, being familiar with it (Bermudez, 2007).
Monitoring consciousness; is the fourth and last type of consciousness that Block pointed out. Regarding this sense of consciousness, he emphasizes that ‘the idea of consciousness takes different forms as a type of internal monitoring. In a sense, it is a kind of interpolation. This type can be a kind of phenomenal consciousness; in fact, it is a phenomenal consciousness of a person about his or her ‘self’. Its other sense is usually expressed based on the interpretation of information processing: internal review (Block, 1995).
Production means creation of something; however, economically speaking it means making changes in the raw materials and turning them into products (goods & services) (Kazemi, 2012). In economics the set of factors contributing to the creation of goods and services are called production factors or resources. Various goods can be produced out of combination of flexibility and changeability of production factors. Such resources are called economic production resources, too. There are plenty of these resources just like the oxygen in the air, and people do not pay for them.
Economic production resources include: natural resources, human resources, financial capital (Ghannadan, 2007). Scholars consider the human factor as the most important and valuable production factor because humans are both the producers and consumers. In fact, the material resources whether natural or financial are at the service of humans to use for production and improvement matters. Hence, humans are God’s successor on the Earth, and whatever is on it is under their dominance (Kazemi, 2012).
The set of technical, economic, environmental methods as well as enforcement, design, control, evaluation of operations, and building materials in one of the engineering fields all depend on the construction and are notified by the Ministry of Housing (enacted enforcement methods related to the circulars issued from the Planning and Management Organization are called the regulations which are prepared and notified by the relevant administrative organ after being confirmed by the relevant ministry).
Ghouchani et al (2013) in a research entitled ‘Analysis of the Effect of Different Median Advertisement as One of the Marketing Strategies on the Behavior of Car Purchasers’ express that advertisement as one of marketing strategies has striking effect on the consumers’ behavior as well as how they make their choices, and this plays an important role and has a remarkable position in selling the products of an organization.
The results show that different audio, video, and graphic advertisements have grave effect on the behavior of car purchasers, and their effect on the purchasers hold different priorities. According to the results managers are recommended to allocate each type of advertisement to the right part of market with their right content and avoid thinking about the type of advertisement that has no function in this industry.
Chay (2014) in a research entitled ‘The Effect of Social Media on the Local Banks of Malaysia’ expresses that media have remarkably improved form marketing perspective. In some cases audio and video media can even substitute all social media. This issue is of great importance in banks as a service organization. The results of this research showed that the effects of the mass media cannot be ignored in improving bank performance. Irsheid Alafeef (2014) in a research entitled ‘The Effect of Mass Media on Sales Increase in Electronic Business in the Companies in Alebha in Saudi Arabia’ stated that electronic business has been created as a means for organizational development under the fast technological developments such that it can leave much effect on the performance of the organization.
The media play an important part in electronic business. The results of this research showed that mass media play much part in electronic business and are of much importance in the companies that do business. The results also show that there is a positive relationship between doing electronic business through mass media and total sales increase in the companies under our study. Likewise, there is a meaningful relationship between using mass media as a developing means and after-sales services. In the end, there is a positive relationship between doing electronic business through mass media and the sales price.
Present paper has conducted a survey on the relationship between the position of the media and producers’ awareness of the regulations related to the production from the industry and production activists’ standpoint (activists from Tehran); hence, this research is said to be applied type whose results will be of value to the managers of this sector. The population includes 40,000 activists in Tehran province industry and production sector.
The sample included 388 subjects according to Co-kran formula among whom the questionnaires were handed out. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated by means of SPSS soft-ware. The Cronbach Alfa average of the variables was 0.84. Thus, we can assure that the facility of the questions was the same, and the identity of the measured variable has been such that justifies the use of questionnaire (Sarmad et al, 2001). Owing to the fact that the reliability is usually over 0.70 is desirable, so we can claim that this test has high reliability (Sarmad et al, 2001).
We proceeded to conduct the research after consulting with those who are quite familiar with the topic e. g. lecturers and/or experts in order to confirm the validity of the questionnaire. Then we incorporated the questions covering each of the research hypotheses into the questionnaire. Then a questionnaire was filled out randomly by a few of our population (industrial activists in Tehran province), and all the ambiguities ran away. At last the final questionnaires were handed out among the sample subjects. In this research the obtained data were analyzed in both descriptive and inferential methods. In descriptive level characteristics of the population were analyzed by means of statistic functions such as frequency, mean, standard variation, and criterion coefficient.
In inferential level, detailed inferential statistics techniques with SPSS soft-ware were employed in order to have responded to the hypotheses. In this research, norm distribution test was applied based on Kolmogroph- Smearnoph formula so as to analyze the parametric and non-parametric distribution of variables. The null hypothesis was tested in %5 error postulating that the data distribution is normal. Therefore, if the big test statistics is 0.05, then there will be no reason to reject the null hypothesis based on the normal data. Likewise, we employed Spearman correlation coefficient due to abnormality of the variables in this research.
Research Findings
In this research characteristics of the statistic and graphic sample concerning the status quo were presented to help in generalizing the results. First hypothesis testing then as a result of it theoretical model testing were conducted based on the responses obtained from the sample subjects through questionnaires.
Chart 1: frequency of age variable
Chart 2: frequency of responders based on education level
Chart 3: frequency of responders based on their experience
Chart 4: frequency of responders based on number of employees
Table: mean, median, and standard variation of the variables
Variables | Mean | Standard Variation |
industrial activists’ accessibility to the media | ۴.۶۸ | ۰.۶۵ |
improvement in the institute activities | ۴.۲۲ | ۰.۸۹ |
the type of media used by the activists | ۳.۷۰ | ۰.۹۷ |
use of various media | ۳.۴۶ | ۱.۱۳ |
activists’ awareness of the regulations | ۳.۷۹ | ۰.۶۶ |
activists’ presence in the relevant councils | ۴.۳۵ | ۰.۸۳ |
Industrial activists’ accessibility to the media variable with 4.68 had the highest mean, and use of various media variable with 3.46 had the lowest mean among all the variables.
Table: the results obtained out of Kolmogroph- Smearnoph formula concerning the variables
Variables | Kolmogroph- Smearnoph | Test Validity |
industrial activists’ accessibility to the media | ۸.۶۸۰ | ۰.۰۰۰ |
improvement in the institute activities | ۵.۰۷۰ | ۰.۰۰۰ |
the type of media used by the activists | ۴.۲۹۰ | ۰.۰۰۰ |
use of various media | ۳.۸۴۴ | ۰.۰۰۰ |
activists’ awareness of the regulations | ۱.۸۹۶ | ۰.۰۰۲ |
activists’ presence in the relevant councils | ۶.۳۳۶ | ۰.۰۰۰ |
When the distribution of the variables is normal, parametric tests should be used, and when it is abnormal, non-parametric tests should be used. Since test validity is lower than 0.05 for the research variables in this paper, data distribution is normal. Spearman correlation test, which is of non-parametric type, was employed for testing the hypotheses of this research.
Hypothesis 1 showed that ‘there is a relationship between industrial activists’ accessibility to the media and possibility of improvement in their activities.’
The results of the research showed that the validity of the test for industrial activists’ accessibility to the media and possibility of improvement in their activities is 0.000 which is lower than 0.05, so the null hypothesis is rejected by 5 percent error level. It can by 95 percent of certainty be said that there is a relationship between industrial activists’ accessibility to the media and possibility of improvement in their activities. With an attention to the fact that the correlation coefficient is +0.304, it can be said that there is a direct relationship between the two variables; hence, the first hypothesis is hereby verified.
Hypothesis 2 showed that ‘there is a relationship between the type of media used by the activists and possibility of improvement in their institute’s activities.’
The results of the research showed that validity of the test for the type of media used by the activists and possibility of improvement in their institute’s activities is 0.000 which is lower than 0.05, so the null hypothesis is rejected by 5 percent error level. It can by 95 percent of certainty be said that there is a relationship between the type of media used by the activists and possibility of improvement in their institute’s activities. With an attention to the fact that the correlation coefficient is +0.318, it can be said that there is a direct relationship between the two variables; hence, the second hypothesis is hereby verified.
Hypothesis 3 showed that ‘there is a relationship between using various media and possibility of improvement in their activities.’
The results of the research showed that the validity of the test for using various media and possibility of improvement in their activities is 0.000 which is lower than 0.05, so the null hypothesis is rejected by 5 percent error level. It can by 95 percent of certainty be said that there is a relationship between using various media and possibility of improvement in their activities. With an attention to the fact that the correlation coefficient is +0.474, it can be said that there is a direct relationship between the two variables; hence, the third hypothesis is hereby verified.
Hypothesis 4 showed that ‘there is a relationship between awareness of the activists of the instructions and possibility of improvement in their activities.’
The results of the research showed that the validity of the test for awareness of the activists of the instructions and possibility of improvement in their activities is 0.000 which is lower than 0.05, so the null hypothesis is rejected by 5 percent error level. It can by 95 percent of certainty be said that there is a relationship between awareness of the activists of the instructions and possibility of improvement in their activities. With an attention to the fact that the correlation coefficient is +0.52, it can be said that there is a direct relationship between the two variables; hence, the fourth hypothesis is hereby verified.
Hypothesis 5 showed that ‘there is a relationship between the type of media being used by industry activists and degree of their awareness of such instructions.’
The results of the research showed that the validity of the test for the type of media being used by industry activists and degree of their awareness of such instructions is 0.000 which is lower than 0.05, so the null hypothesis is rejected by 5 percent error level. It can by 95 percent of certainty be said that there is a relationship between the type of media being used by industry activists and degree of their awareness of such instructions. With an attention to the fact that the correlation coefficient is +0.652, it can be said that there is a direct relationship between the two variables; hence, the fifth hypothesis is hereby verified.
Hypothesis 6 showed that ‘there is a relationship between using various media and the degree of activists’ awareness of such instructions.’
The results of the research showed that the validity of the test for using various media and the degree of activists’ awareness of such instructions is 0.000 which is lower than 0.05, so the null hypothesis is rejected by 5 percent error level. It can by 95 percent of certainty be said that there is a relationship between using various media and the degree of activists’ awareness of such instructions. With an attention to the fact that the correlation coefficient is +0.656, it can be said that there is a direct relationship between the two variables; hence, the sixth hypothesis is hereby verified.
Hypothesis 7 showed that ‘there is a relationship between activists’ presence in the relevant councils and degree of their awareness of the instructions.’
The results of the research showed that the validity of the test for activists’ presence in the relevant councils and degree of their awareness of the instructions is 0.000 which is lower than 0.05, so the null hypothesis is rejected by 5 percent error level. It can by 95 percent of certainty be said that there is a relationship between activists’ presence in the relevant councils and degree of their awareness of the instructions. With an attention to the fact that the correlation coefficient is +0.386, it can be said that there is a direct relationship between the two variables; hence, the seventh hypothesis is hereby verified.
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